Thursday 12 September 2019

The Intention of Nourishment in Your Morning Routine

I know I'm not alone in this.

Wanting to feel good emotionally, wanting to use my time wisely, savoring the silence when the rest of the family is sleeping or the kids are at school.

Everyone has to find what works for them, trial and error, as our journey continues, our routines tend to change with the season we find ourselves in.

About a year ago when I was at a John Maxwell event, a speaker named Dan Pink really caught my attention with his idea.

Dan Pink has written a number of amazing books, but the topic he was speaking on was "The Science of Perfect Timing." He did a lot of research in all sorts of groups of people and found similar results in when they were most productive. It was in the morning.

From now on I will refer to my morning as my Creative Time. Even in schools, the studies showed that kids did better on tests in the morning. I've implemented this idea over the past year, combined with other ideas like blocks of time to focus on certain things.

Us mothers wear so many hats throughout our day. It creates overwhelm. I know that sometimes we need to wear several hats at once but my intention is to wear 1 hat at a time.

I decided to divide my day into 3 hour blocks of time and then put 6 things I'd like to do in those blocks of time (half hour for each.) I have never followed this perfectly, but since setting the intention, every day my life is getting more and more the way I want my life to look!

I took a few minutes to draw my weekday, work from home schedule, so you can see what it looks like if you'd like ideas. My weekend is more about friends and family, either relaxing or doing the miscellaneous things that come up.

It's very exciting to create the life I want! I have taken this a step further with visualization. All the successful people agree that imagining the way you want things to be or how you want to feel actually creates our reality.

Being a Hypnotherapist, I decided to record my goals and listen to them as I go to sleep at night, to keep my mind from wandering or slipping into anxiety.
(I don't want to create that stuff - yikes!)

It is really fun to imagine my fantasy life, I used to do this as a kid actually. I'd build and design houses in my mind, the next day I would sketch it. It made me very happy.

I'm currently living in a house very similar to the houses I designed in my mind way back then. A long house with a garage at the end. A developed basement, upstairs an open plan with the kitchen living room in the front, and a hallway with bedrooms in the back of the house.

One thing I believe in the most is that we are to follow what excites our spirit, and I was thinking one day, what if I could share this life hack with others? Not only share the blocks of time with the different hats, but also the bedtime recording.

I decided to offer my new product "Hypnogoalz!" I'm not sure if this will be for a limited time, but for now let's see how this goes.

Here's the deal: You book an appointment. We talk on the phone or video call (your choice) and determine what your values and goals are. Don't worry if you haven't figured it out yet, I can help with this. Then I make a recording and send it to you!

I've found that Intention is the magic that combines flow and structure. This gives you flexibility but also direction.

The last few months I've had an accountability partner that I text every evening with my intentions for the next day and how many of my intentions I completed that day. It's been a lot of fun!

You can use it to focus on the small things that don't take much time and keep getting put off, you can use it to make sure you include fun in your life, or you can use it for prioritizing your big projects, or something else completely.

It's time for me to go to the next item on my list. If you enjoyed these life hacks, please drop me a note somewhere, here or my website or look me up on social media. I look forward to connecting with you!

Until next time, keep following your heart-song.

~ Chantelle

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